So, I had this idea to update this room.

It's the garage/guest room #2 at Casa del Sol.
See those hideous bedspreads? They came with the house. As did the gobby headboard thingies.
So it's time for a change. Don't want to break the bank though, because it is, after all, mostly a garage.
A little on-line searching yielded this duvet/sham set:

Perfect! Bright, colorful, and half price! I ordered 2 of them.
While I was waiting for them to be delivered, I wandered into a store and saw the set on display. Gaaack...they look much better when you can only see a tiny corner in a crisp photo. In real life, they were just too, too, what's the word I'm looking for here? Oh yeah - ugly! We already have ugly, so back they went.
I chose instead, plain white quilts and bed skirts, with a splash of cushions, and coordinating crocheted throws.
The plan (Or rather, the idea; the word
plan implies that I might have actually, you know,
planned this out.) was to crochet a blanket, and make 2 patterned cushions, and 1 plain cushion for each bed.

So, I found a couple of fabrics that I'm hoping are the right colours, and bought some. Not enough, as it turned out, and of course, there is no more to be had, but that's what not planning will do to you. I also bought some piping, because the
plan included piping around the cushions.
Piping is no big deal, right? After all, I managed to do
these chair cushions with no problem...

Seems that was just a fluke. Piping was definitely NOT happening on this project.

I was resigned to plain pillow case type covers until Connie suggested buttons to dress them up a bit. Great idea CJ!
Found some nice white buttons that I think will look nice against the white quilts, and voila - cute cushions.

I was a few inches of fabric short, so I was only able to make 3 of each kind. No problem - one bed will have 2 patterned and one plain; the other bed will have 2 plain and 1 patterned. Yes, that was my plan all along!

The crocheting project should keep me busy all winter, but at least it's going well.
So, what about those bed frames?

Spray paint them white? Dark blue? Or deposit them in the nearest dumpster? (With the painting!)