Sunday, April 21, 2013

She's up! Aaaand, back down.

So for the last couple of weeks or so, I've been all...

Schenectady, New York-based painter Aja aka Sagittarius Gallery, imagines what Grumpy Cat's portrait would be like if painted by Dutch impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, in the style of his Starry Night.
And Melody's been all
here are some pictures of a gorgeous, sunny beach just waiting for you

And Cindy's been all
these beautiful flowers will be growing in your garden soon

And Taz has been all
I wuv you

Then I receive actual mail that isn't addressed to "occupant".
A lovely card - thanks, C.

Then my sister brings over an enormous bunch of flowers...

Man, you guys really know how to ruin a good wallow!
I see that things are starting to poke through in the garden.
The chives and clematis...

...even the peonies that've been trying to get rid of for two years...

...and I'm thinking, okay, this is better. Yeah, this is actually pretty good.
And I'm all

So I'm sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of tea, and reading one of my favourite magazines, thinking all is well with the world...

and I glance out the kitchen window...

Now I'm all

Monday, April 15, 2013


The funk continues. It's time for this winter to end!

Although Taz doesn't seem to mind it one little bit. She still gets her 2 walks a day, and spends most of them rolling around in the snow.

Dan has a new soft top for the Miata, but I guess there's no rush to install it.

And it'll be awhile before I can sit in my purple chair...sigh...

My wonderful friends are trying their best to keep my spirits up by sharing their springs with me.

Melody took her camera for a walk around Puerto Peñasco to remind me that even though I'm up to my armpits in snow here, I have a whole other life that is enjoying blue sky and sunshine.

And Cindy sent lots of pictures of her beautiful flowers to remind me that I still have all of this to look forward to.

And this, which sums things up quite nicely. (Tee hee)

Thank you both so much!

I realize that I have no right to complain about my couple of weeks of winter when most people have been living with it for months, but what can I say? I'm a whiny little baby when I'm cold.

Bring on spring!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Welcome to T3

A different name, a different address, and a different look.

In an effort to combat blog boredom, both yours and mine, I'm starting fresh.   That, and I was experimenting with the DTL template, and I managed to mess it up beyond recognition and couldn't restore it. Some things never change, eh?

T3 represents 3 of my favourite things: turquoise, travels, and tea.

Turquoise is my favourite colour, but I don't plan to limit myself to just turquoise. All colours speak to me differently on different days, and sometimes I'll be posting images just because I'm feeling the green-ness or the orange-ness of it at that moment.

Travels - well that part actually makes sense.

The tea part is a bit of a stretch. It's really just a sorry excuse to utilize alliteration. (Which I also love!). What I really mean, is things that I enjoy doing while sipping tea. Things like knitting, crocheting, reading, crafting, playing games, surfing Facebook & Pinterest, messing with photos, etc. You know, the usual.

So basically, no real changes from the Dance Though Laughing blog.


This is the view from my window as I write this post. Is it any wonder I'm in a funk?