Monday, April 15, 2013


The funk continues. It's time for this winter to end!

Although Taz doesn't seem to mind it one little bit. She still gets her 2 walks a day, and spends most of them rolling around in the snow.

Dan has a new soft top for the Miata, but I guess there's no rush to install it.

And it'll be awhile before I can sit in my purple chair...sigh...

My wonderful friends are trying their best to keep my spirits up by sharing their springs with me.

Melody took her camera for a walk around Puerto PeƱasco to remind me that even though I'm up to my armpits in snow here, I have a whole other life that is enjoying blue sky and sunshine.

And Cindy sent lots of pictures of her beautiful flowers to remind me that I still have all of this to look forward to.

And this, which sums things up quite nicely. (Tee hee)

Thank you both so much!

I realize that I have no right to complain about my couple of weeks of winter when most people have been living with it for months, but what can I say? I'm a whiny little baby when I'm cold.

Bring on spring!


  1. I keep hearing this nasty stuff about the Calgary weather. Looks way too chilly and messy for me.
    We've had wind, pretty high wind, we had to stay inside and everything, or roll up the car windows.
    Shut up Carl, you suck.
    BTW, watch out for that grinning dog in the upper left corner. He'll knock you over with pure joy the moment he lays eyes on you.

  2. Chilly & messy it is, but then, I don't like those crazy winds that PP gets either. I guess there's just no pleasing some people, eh?
    Oh, and I'm on to that grinning dog - he's had me on my butt before. I will approach with caution. Or better yet, make sure Dan enters first with a pocket full of Milk Bones.

  3. You may hate me for this, but yesterday I sat on an old boat way up on the beach. It was so peaceful that I could hear the pelicans 200 metres away flapping their wings as they flew to another fishing spot. And when they dove into the water, I would see the splash, then hear it half a second later. It was incredibly peaceful.

  4. That sounds wonderful! And no, I don't hate you for it. Soon, I'll be sitting on mountain tops watching hawks & eagles.
