Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ooh la la

Recognize this trio?

Yes, that's moi on the left, Debbie in the middle, and Cheryl on the right. The three of us go waaay back. And as far back as we go, we've been talking about doing this together. (Except without the crappy photoshop stuff.)

Every time we get together, which isn't nearly often enough given our geographical differences, we talk endlessly about our trip to France...(insert heavy sigh here)
We toss the idea around and around until it fizzles out in a mire of logistical obstructions, and we have to reluctantly put it back in the box for safekeeping until the next time.

But the stars and the planets have finally aligned favourably! This is the year we make it happen!

I'm still a little in shock to tell the truth, it hasn't quite sunk in yet. We're going to France! Woohoo!

I just have to memorize this phrase book, and lose 25 lbs, so I can order and enjoy the croissants and the cheeses. Oh, and the crepes, and the sauces, and the tarts, and...
Oops, drooling a bit here.

Thanks for visiting T3


  1. Well ain't that a coup de pied dans le cul. We await the details.

  2. Thanks for the French lesson, Carl.

  3. I'm not allowed to use it at home. So I have to go sully other people's playgrounds.

  4. Paris will never be the same. You girls will have a great time!

    1. Yes, we will!
      And thank you for pointing out the problem with the comments, that was my fault. Should work properly now.

  5. Croissant kilos are totally worth it! I absolutely look forward to seeing France through your eyes {eew, that sounds a bit creepy}. And, reading all about it!

  6. I don't think the calories count if you don't understand the language that they were ordered in.

  7. Replies
    1. Sometime between Aug 27th and the 30th. Maybe. Hopefully.
      Currently spending hours every day obsessing over flight loads (grim) and alternate routes (few). All fingers and toes are crossed.
