Sunday, June 23, 2013

The 100 year flood

Of course that's what they called it in 2005 as well. This one is worse. Much worse. Who could have imagined anything like this in downtown Calgary?


The stampede grounds.

The infield.

And Calgary was relatively lucky.
Canmore, Bragg Creek, Okotoks, High River and others all suffered devastating losses.

Highway 22X

The Trans Canada

We are extremely lucky that our house is on higher ground, and we have been dry and safe throughout this whole ordeal. Our water is still good - we didn't even lose power. For us it has just been a minor inconvenience. We can't drive around town, and with water restrictions in place, we can't do any laundry, we can't run the dishwasher, and I can't enjoy a long soak in the tub.
No laundry means pink towels in a copper coloured bathroom. Quelle horreur! Oh, boo hoo...

All kidding aside, my heart goes out to the thousands of people that had to be evacuated from their homes. The lucky ones amongst them have a massive clean-up ahead of them.
Through it all, this man was everywhere.

Our mayor, Naheed Nenshi, put in a 43 hour day. He was on every radio & tv station, he was in airplanes and helicopters and he was all over social media keeping us all informed. There was even a Twitter hash tag set up #nap4nenshi, and citizens were tweeting and begging him to take a break.
One person summed it up by saying that we could probably skip the whole next election nonsense, and just sign him up for another term.
Stampede officials are saying that the show will go on come

I'll believe it when I see it.
What a week, eh?!

Thank you for visiting T3


  1. Well, I was making a pithy comment but it got mysteriously wiped. I know the lighting crew for the Grandstand show is going in tomorrow to install lights so there will be a Grandstand Show. I hope in all the fervor to produce a Stampede people don't get careless and cause injury on top of what they're already dealing with. This is so much bigger than 2005 there's really no comparison. Good luck to everyone. Sorry to hear about the pink towels Cheryl, you must have shuddered when you hung them.

    1. I can't count the number of times I've heard the phrase "SAFETY FIRST" in the last week, so hopefully it has sunk in by now for everyone involved. I'm really in 2 minds about the whole show must go on thing. Part of me says just let it go, there are way more important things to worry about right now. But man, if ever a city needed a party, it's now!
      Oh, and the pink towels? I'll get over it somehow.

  2. I finally got back to your blog. Unbelievable the damage to infrastructure and peoples' homes. 2005 was nothing. Glad you are safe, I bet Dan and his crew have a lot of work scheduled. I'm glad no more people were killed. I loved Nenshi's rant about people canoeing on the river.

    1. Yes, the damage is un-freakin'-believable! We are so grateful that we escaped it!
      "Nenshi nouns" are becoming a big thing here.
      As in, you are such a.....(insert Nenshi noun here)...!
